News & Views
HARBOUR makes Sense

We love all our clients, but some tug on the heartstrings more than others. So when we had the chance to work with Sense, a national charity that supports and campaigns for adults and children who are deafblind, I confess we had an extra little spring in our steps as we headed out to that first meeting.

Because not only would HARBOUR get to do what it does best (and for those who need reminding that means it gets to streamline the recruitment process for administrators and candidates alike), but even better? What’s even better is that HARBOUR gets to indirectly help deafblind adults and children all over the country, by enabling  Sense to recruit the right people. It’s these people who’ll make a positive difference. And that prospect made us feel great.

Working closely with Sense, and the marvellous Chindo Chahal, we helped them navigate through what they believed to be essential and desirable and gently challenged them… so that the system we proposed now would be helping create better futures for tomorrow.

Sense would say that their requirements changed from time-to-time. And you know what? They did. But there are two things here to remember. One, things always change … so we were ready for that. And secondly, change evokes debate and our debates allowed us to tailor HARBOUR for the longer-term. Something that makes us all really happy too. But was Sense happy? It seems that they were and sometimes we talk a whole lot of, umm, Sense. Here’s what Chindo had to say (thanks Chindo!)

“What 3DMarcomms and HARBOUR ultimately delivered is a bespoke system that is tailored to our organisation and indeed our industry. Much of the processes were re-engineered to ensure optimum efficiency and effectiveness, and we valued their advice and guidance on these issues. Our candidates' experience is notably a positive one, with comments received on how straight-forward and accessible our application process is.

"The effect on our internal recruitment team is unquestionably the most significant. From what was a manual, paper-based and labour-intensive process, and now work to a Lean and efficient system that gives our recruitment team a professional edge.”