Contractors or Contingent. Associates or Bank Staff. It doesn’t really matter the title used, the challenges are very similar. It’s a bit like like recruitment and OnBoarding – but then it’s not.
Sometimes it’s not really clear where the responsibility lies for post care and ongoing tracking, or sometimes it is but in geographically dispersed organisations it’s hard to get the simple transparency needed of who’s where for how long between a multitude of systems. And with IR35, let alone the basic commercial imperatives associated with this expensive workforce, it’s all the more important to have this nailed within your business.
HARBOUR has evolved a number of approaches to help our clients in this regard. For some clients it’s enough to have a simple distinct workflow with independent statuses that enable clear MI reporting with Line Manager and business visibility of who’s where for why and for how much. However for one particular client, Deloitte, this facility has grown arms and legs and is used across 5 different jurisdictions tracking On and OffBoarding, timesheet submission for associates directly and agencies en masse, timesheet approval and various very intricate commercial reports that also includes distinct currency accommodation. Very much a living example of what we’ve called HARBOUR agility.