"Goodness me." As we approach the end of the year at Mach 2 then that's probably the politest way to describe the past year. I'll almost certainly reflect more philosophically over the Christmas & New Year period, but for now I'm just going to list some of the most recent work we've been turning out (in brief), just in case anyone's passing and interested - you never know with these blog type things do you :)
(know who it is?)
What - you've not heard of them? Think you'll find you have. are, as I now know, Tesco in China. Anyway they've got some pretty big plans over there and needed some pretty big hires to help with, well, planning it all - step in HARBOUR ATS via our partnership with Oxus (China based Employer Branding experts). Built on our China based server (all the better for fast local connections of course) it's a simple facility and launched with 5 senior level vacancies - language switching and 'Apply with LinkedIn ' (excellent to get those airport lounge job surfers) functionality to boot: tesco.hrinbox.cn
Glam'ing it up
Many many many years ago I remember a very long trip from Portsmouth Poly to play Pontypridd Poly in the Poly Cup on a typically Welsh weather kinda day where it was P'ing down. Think we lost (so I was probably P'd off before getting rather P'd myself - which was what it was mostly about anyway ;) ). Either way it was nice to return on a sunny day a few weeks back to finalise a really nice win this time - building (what is now) the University of Glamorgan an Applicant Tracking System. Challenges on this one were making sure that our usual seamless integration could happen with a very complex in-place nav set up, but then also creating seamless interfaces for 2 further educational institutions (Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama and Merthyr Tydfil College (although Merthyr will go live at some point in the future)) that came under the same HR team who, understandably, wanted a single system to administrate all. We love something to get our teeth into (as, I seem to remember, so too did their prop I came up against that day :-] ) : jobs.glam.ac.uk & jobs.rwcmd.ac.uk
and an FA final for us
Now some clients have nice offices. Others less so. But I think it's hard to beat having your meetings at Wembley Stadium (and that's said even as a Welshman! Although I was there in 1999 for this ). Nice careers site put together by BlackBridge (who were also clearly blown away by the stadium too) underpinned with good ole HARBOUR ATS bossing the midfield (perhaps - football metaphors really aren't my strong point :-s ). jobs.thefacareers.com "Back of the NET!" ;)
So - that there was some of our November delivery. Fireworks from beginning to end really :)