News & Views
Say hello to Amy & Kimberly

Two hellos / welcomes from us today. Firstly I'd like you all to meet Amy. “If it seems too good to be true then it most probably is  is something I've often heard said   well we're hoping that Amy proves "them" wrong. A trilingual Project Manager with specific Recruitment and Start Up experience, who's already spent some time using HARBOUR ATS and has experience of other ATS' to bring to the party too. Oh   and she lives in our neck of the woods. I've had to make some tough calls in setting up this business   but I'm sure you'll agree that this hire probably had to be one of the easiest. This is a great hire for our clients (existing & potential) as Amy can not only assist in delivery but also bring fresh perspective and relevant experience to the table, but I'm mostly hoping she'll help maintain whatever shred of sanity I still have left  :D

Secondly   say hi to Kimberly. Kimberly Clark that is (of Kleenex and Andrex (amongst others) fame).

www.Kimberly-ClarkGraduates.com - A nicely integrated grad recruitment site underpinned by a quickly turned around HARBOUR ATS   it's so beautiful when things fit together so nicely it brings a tear to my eyes (reach for Kleenex   as the strapline says “it's time to let it out ). Quite a perky start to the month of March really :)