News & Views
Fixing homes and losing pounds - all good for business

We've just delivered two nice little projects that I thought we should just tell you about - and as modest as they are (we'll have a biggee to announce hopefully any day now - if size is your thing) they're both still exciting and pleasing in their own right and for different reasons.

If you've been following our exploits then you'll hopefully remember that one of our early successes was and on behalf of Weight Watchers (our instant ATS underpinning media activity by Beyond Interactive - assisting in processing over 500 applications and, through the hires made, the client reckoned saved them an estimated £30k that would have otherwise been spent through Recruitment Consultants). This led to us building a more permanent solution - WeightWatchers-jobs.co.uk . And that's all ticking along quite nicely - the client's even starting to pull off speculative applicants for consideration in their current recruitment, which of course will send the ROI through the roof, which is nice :)

So that was for those employed by Weight Watchers. But the public face of Weight Watchers is perhaps most often associated with the meetings (helped by Matt Lucas I'm sure) and the se;f employed/franchise type Leaders who help motivate the attendees to succeed in their pursuit of weight loss. Well the team responsible for recruiting the Leaders were so impressed with what they saw we'd done for the other side of the business they wanted their own site and application facility - NO MORE TREE KILLING with paper application forms!! So WeightWatchers-leaders.co.uk was created. And whilst it's a nice little site in itself, what we're most pleased with is the fact our work got noticed and referred within the business - that kind of vote of confidence means the world.

The second piece of new business to tell you about came through the award winning digital team at Penna TCS . We've been chatting for a while, but an opportunity came to work together and show what we could do (at pace). Aviva have an arm of their business (or will do when this partner becomes as one as of April 1st this year) called Asprea. What do they do? well they're the "property household claims management" side of the business. Anyway - Penna TCS built the site and we underpinned it with HARBOUR ATS at www.fixhomesbuildcareers.com - and I challenge you to spot a join ;)

But what we find most exciting about this particular project is that, even for this very "entry level" version of HARBOUR, we've worked (and I'd like to think pretty effortlessly from both our perspectives) with the Penna TCS Campaign Tracking team. So we're getting to see first hand our facility working in conjunction with fully tracked campaign to give the client some very accurate and conclusive media source reporting - from qualified click thrus to actual bums on seats. I love it when a spreadsheet comes together :D

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