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Is recruitment tech worth the money?

Well, now, there’s a question.

And as a recruitment tech company you’d obviously expect our answer to be ‘Hell, yeah!’

Except our response is more of a ‘Yeah, but only if…’

You see, recruitment tech can be an invaluable investment but there are caveats – as highlighted in Randstad Enterprise’s latest Talent Trend report . Their findings show that many organisations are buying into HR tech despite the turbulent job market. Trouble is, some of those companies are running before they can walk – they’re taking on too much tech, to quickly, without knowing what to do with it.

It's like having a shiny new toy – but you can’t get your head around how it works so it stays in the box.

One global industry analyst has presented a shocking statistic. An estimated 42% of tech projects fail after two years . In this instance, a failure is defined as such if, after 24 months, employees refuse to use the tech or don’t have the time for it.

Invaluable investment? Um, not so much!

It’s shiny – but can you use it?

We don’t create recruitment tech, take the money and run. We build strong partnerships with our clients so they can get the best out of their tech and see a strong ROI.

Take one of our recent large-scale projects with law firm TLT . They needed a whole new recruitment tech platform to support their business growth. We had a lot to do, including building a new Applicant Tracking System, Contractor Management System and Applicant Onboarding System.

Did we just dive straight in? Heck, no. We held multiple workshops to get fully up to speed with what needed for their business, and throughout the build there were weekly cross-project team meetings to modify and test absolutely everything. All followed by Alpha and Beta demos and a final round for UAT.

As part of the build we created a shiny new hiring manager portal. It was beautifully designed with super-helpful functionality for its users. But we soon realised it was going to be a classic case of ‘too much, too soon’. So we focused on a few key capabilities that TLT’s hiring managers could start using straight away – with more functionality set up in the portal ready to be accessed  in the future.

While we love to build complex systems, we hate to make them complicated for users. To us, it’s a no-brainer. If recruiters and hiring managers feel overwhelmed by new tech, they won’t use it. And without employee buy-in, companies will be left with expensive kit gathering dust and a business that’s losing out on the productivity and efficiency benefits that tech can bring.

Optimise your tech stack

Hang on, though. What if your company has invested in recruitment tech but it’s not doing what you need – and shelling out a heap more money isn’t an option right now?

Randstad Enterprise’s talent trend report has the answer. Optimise what you’ve got. If you already have our ATS, we can integrate it with your HR Management System – something we did for LV General Insurance  when we spotted room for improvement in their recruitment process. You can also have your ATS updated with third party integrations for psychometric testing and DBS checks.

We like to think of recruitment tech as a moveable feast. During the scramble to go virtual during Covid we helped clients with a system integration to automate set-up for Microsoft Teams interviews. And for clients who needed to be CQC compliant, we figured out a way for a candidate to be matched to their application photo while being interviewed on Zoom.

It’s why we always bang on about being a bespoke provider. We’re constantly fine-tuning our system functionality and coming up with new efficiency-driving features.

So whether you’re looking for a completely new system or want to get more out of your existing recruitment tech stack, we’re ready and waiting for you.

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