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"Say what you see" - a neat little exhibition iPad competition

We're working hard building a great ATS and ensuring we maintain our great level of support, but it's still nice to have an opportunity for something slightly different to get our teeth into. I like to think it keeps us sharp - and there's often something we can learn and think about bringing back into HARBOUR too.

A few months back one of our clients, TAQA, was going to an exhibition and looking for a way to engage potential candidates, capturing contact details along the way. Their agency suggested a "win an iPad" competition executed through an iPad - and they turned to us to deliver it.

They liked it so much we were asked to do another version for a recent exhibition - and unlike the first where the audience was geologists and the competition was based around spotting different rock structures (or is it stratas?), this version was a lot simpler (for simple people like me) and based around the "Catchphrase" game. You know "say what you see" etc etc

So check out some of the screen grabs below - and you can have a play too if you want (bearing in mind it was designed to be executed on an iPad) at http://taqa.3dmarcomms.com/quiz2013/

  The first screen

The first screen

Making sure the relevant data is captured

Making sure the relevant data is captured

And now

And now "Say what you see" - with a timer embedded to add some more pressure :)  

And what did we learn? Well apart from the fact that some of the team would be great value for money if we sent them on Catchphrase (not in terms of winning any money - purely amusement factor ;)), it was good to put some time focussing on tablet rendering - and that will definitely start being considered in our ever evolving mobile interface execution.

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