Now there are plenty of things that we should be shouting about in the name of self-promotion, but as we've been so busy with our nose down and delivering I think we'll just put up a snap shot of some of the clients we've been working with and some of the nice bits we've been perfecting for them and then I'll come back to fill in some more detail on some specific projects later. So in no particular order (well, that's not true, I've alphabetised them, so that's very much a particular order isn't it - but you know what I mean) for the past 12 months we've been mostly:
- Admiral : apart from building the site (working in conjunction with their Empl. Comms Agency - ThirtyThree ) there's also a nifty Group Interview Calendar working behind the scenes that brought some massive efficiencies and helpful MI to the telescreen process for the recruitment team.
- Andrews : a pretty new addition to our stable, this facility has a neat post interview feedback collation function to help HR‚ support managers across the Estate Agency network with their recruitment activity and delivering the best possible candidate experience.
- Ashley Kate : long standing client for whom we were delighted to create a mobile website to compliment the site we built a few years back
- BMIhealthcare : another careers site that we host completely, we've been doing some neat elements working with the team to help reduce their recruitment spend pretty significantly. Our most recent system enhancement is bringing their onboarding online - and whilst it's still early days (as I type this) the signs are good that this will bring significant business efficiencies.
- County Council : making job search and apply facilities appear "as one" with the client's site is something that comes second nature to us, but as well as stepping into the Public Sector this project offered the opportunity to further evolve our language switching functionality (first delivered for one of our China based clients) - and we're pretty pleased with how complete a solution this now is. Client's chuffed too.
- Clarks (North America) : having delivered the UK Clarks recruitment site we successfully pitched for the North America business. Now Clarks have a joined up international offering with distinct North America content as well as supporting Language switching. Other features behind the scenes include: eSigning (electronic signatures - provided by EchoSign ); background check provider integration (provided by Creative Services Inc. ); post interview feedback collation; distinct workflows for different parts of the business (inc. store level access).
- Greater Anglia : now this really is bringing us up to date - launched just a week ago we were very proud to work with another business where we're big consumers of their service (others include: Clarks; Joules; Lloyds TSB; Majestic Wine; Monsoon Accessorize (me not so much Monsoon ;)). The careers site itself was built by one of their retained agencies (Jacob Bailey ) and we then provide our legendary seamless integration with a system that also has: scored application forms for Drivers; Internal Careers Portal with distinct application process for Agency workers; an automated check and block (within specified time frames) of applicants to specific Regulated Roles; Vacancy Authorisation; Offer Authorisation; Line Manager Interview Feedback Collation. But best of all - I got to have a go on the proper train simulator :D
...and that's where I'm going to leave it for today. I'll update soon what the last 12months looked like in terms of clients H -> T and then, as I say, may well come back and pick up some specifics on some of the projects - after all, if we don't blow our own trumpet etc etc.