News & Views
Yelling about HARBOUR and the all important "S" word

Things have been busy here at HARBOUR HQ.

Hell - things have been REALLY busy! But there's no complaints (well - other than from my wife a bit ;)) - particularly in the current economic climate we do know how good it is that we are seeing very positive growth (I stop short of calling us a "success story" just yet, but as we approach the halfway mark in our 4th year the signs are looking promising :)).

Anyway - it's been a full on couple of months with a couple of really big projects and many many littler ones - but each needing a good share of attention and loving to get out of the door and then look after whilst it, and the new users, bed in. I will post again (probably fairly soon) about some of the recent work, but what's also important to us is never losing our focus on those clients that have been with us a little while as well. I'm a bit hard on us in regards to that - and I never want to take for granted that we have a better supported facility than any other ATS vendor our clients have worked with (or so they tell us). There's always room for improvement and when there's some particularly all consuming delivery going on it literally keeps me awake at night worrying that we're not servicing our existing clients well enough.

So with all that said - you can't believe how cheered I am to get forwarded a screen grab from within a closed group on LinkedIn where one of our clients has just posted the following answer to the question "Does anyone have any advice or feedback on systems they have used in the past, both good and bad?"

"Recently we renewed our ATS. Having experienced many of the big names we opted for Harbour - Bespoke to your needs by http://www.3dmarcomms.com/ . I would highly recommend this system and the post implementation support."

So thank you Craig at Yell - I really am beaming with pride for the guys and gals here. We're not perfect, but by god we work hard to be the best we can be and make sure HARBOUR grows to be the best ATS on the market, but at all times with the best support that there is! :-D