News & Views
Nurses, Wine, Yelling and much much more

No - this isn't a summary of a mad last weekend, but rather a top line on what we've been up to since moving office. And it's also very much the reason as to why we've been so quiet on here. So once again I find myself apologising for neglecting my blogging duties - bit of a broken record that now isn't it. Sorry :-/

If you'd asked me 4 years ago where I might have hoped to be today (having not long ago entered our 4th year of trading (that's right - YEAR 4!!!!)) then in all seriousness I would have settled for "still trading". And that still holds. I don't want to ever take anything for granted - least of all our clients! But as I await the official reckoning from the accountant from the last financial year I'm pretty gob smacked as to where we're at right now. And God knows there's plenty still to do - but let me just touch on, in terms of clients and our work what we've been up to since last I blogged. In a world that seems polluted with over-promotionists and big hype sales teams I hope this speaks more of what we're about than any self glorifying promotional BS piece.

  • BMI Healthcare - the UKs largest independent healthcare employer (I know - I had no idea either).
  • FiveRivers - leading independent Social Enterprise.
  • G4S - you've probably heard of these guys as they're literally everywhere as one of the world's largest employers. We helped them with their graduate recruitment in Kenya.
  • GAIN - the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition - an organisation doing some incredible work in the world.
  • Majestic Wine - a favourite brand in our house I can tell you! (nice to be back too - we worked with them 1st c.7 years ago :))
  • National Trust - a brilliant training scheme from one of the UKs biggest charities.
  • Newport City Council - obviously I don't have favourites (highly unprofessional ;)), but if I did then I'd wax on about how I love the spot-on creative concept married to simpleness of execution that generated highly effective results for this campaign site.
  • Orione Care - it's not all about big names - am very proud to offer highly efficient entry level solutions that clients genuinely love.
  • Yell - still early days and the system is bedding in after a rather speedy build -> deploy, but a nice and clean execution with the focus on back-end efficiency to really help the resourcing team.

We were also very proud that a site we built (www.ThinkPowerSector.co.uk ) got through to the shortlist for best website at the CIPD's Recruitment Awards recently.

So as you can see - we really have been busy bunnies of late - and over the next few weeks I'm pleased to say there'll be no let up with some great enhancements to existing clients and some new ones in the wings too, all whilst we're also working behind the scene's on one or two particularly large projects that will be hitting the streets much later in the year.

Once again I will try my hardest to not be such a stranger on here - but if you do want to know more about what we do or what it looks like or why clients such as Heinz, Comic Relief, Weight Watchers, Safestore and LSG have been happy with us as their ATS partner well into their second year (and I can assure you it's not because we tie them into 3 year horror contracts) then don't hesitate to get in touch: Alex@3DMarComms.com