OK - so things are busy.
Damned busy. You know they (whoever they are) say "it never rains but it pours", well at the moment I'm delighted to say we're seemingly stepping into monsoon season. That's why I think it's time to be realistic with myself. Because whilst it might not show it, writing blog posts often takes me ages. Certainly far too long considering what else I should/could be doing and the number of early morning finishes I'm currently clocking up most weeks. But it's good to talk. I certainly believe it's good to blog, because it's good to keep people up to date with what we're up to (well, my Mum at least), so perhaps it's time to change the way I use this 'ere particular web 2.0 (does using that expression date me?) medium and see if that works better.
So I'm going to try and keep it succinct. I'm gonna TRY OK? No promises, but lets see.
For starters a pop quiz. I've just come off a call to a prospective customer. The technology of the web meeting didn't go so well TBH, but we muddled through. Anyway - the feedback on our core product (HARBOUR ATS ) was very encouraging. This person had been using a "leading global talent management software" facility in their previous role as well as having undertaken a very extensive ATS provider market assessment a year or two ago. So see if you can spot which comments related to HARBOUR ATS and which the other product(s):
- "Wow, I love it"
- "Clearly execution is informed by good digital principles, which is refreshing to see"
- "Love the intuitiveness"
- "It looks sh*t"
- "Streets ahead of anything [sic. other ATS'] that I've seen"
And for an extra bonus point - see if you can tell me which other ATS a soon to be announced customer was describing when they said that "using it is like rolling over a corpse to try and find a candidate".
No prizes - all for fun - but answers on a postcard please :)