It's been far too long since I put pad to key in regards to this ere company blog but hey, sometimes that's just the way the time flies. We've certainly been busy though (it's not just laziness and summer holiday fever I promise!) - not as busy billing wise as we'd like TBH, but certainly busy helping agencies win pitches that will of course reap a benefit down the line, busy testing and further evolving HARBOUR ATS, busy meeting more very ATS savvy people who have been incredibly positive about what we've shown them of HARBOUR (blushingly so) and also delivering a secret squirrel project for a major player in the Employee Communications field that we both think has some big potential (watch this space for more on liberate at some later date). Our instant ATS product is also proving itself across 3 continents with CIFF, whilst WeightWatchers have processed over 450 candidates in a couple of weeks (media planning & execution by www.BeyondInteractive.com.uk) - a scale of response handling that just wouldn't have been possible without them having an ATS in place. Our unique Job Array Tracking facility has also already proved itself to be a very powerful tool, giving clients (and agencies working on their behalf) an unprecedented quality of live and unequivocal data on media activity and success. But not one to rest on our laurels we're enhancing the facility to directly correlate referring site IPs against manual selections where applicants circumvent any referring tracking we have in place further improving what we believe to already be an industry leading level of integrity in our system MI. So it may have been a mixed summer business wise and weather wise but there's certainly been no rest for these (clearly wicked) boys n gals. HARBOUR goes from strength to strength and we're well positioned to take advantage of any green shoots that actually materialise (the talk of them was certainly bountiful way back in July if you recall), as well as to continue building our own groundswell of a portfolio and client base even if the economists have got it wrong again - much like the met office got our summer wrong, again (anyone want to buy a children's paddling pool barely used :( ).