News & Views
Are we nearly there yet?!

Not only is this the question I've heard alot lately as I drove down to South Wales with the family to combine a coastal break back in the mother land with an appearance at the AGR (Association of Gradate Recruiters) conference at the very smart Celtic Manor in Newport, but it's also a business question I'm asking myself and the team as we close in on a more public launch of HARBOUR® ATS.

Anyway - we are indeed nearly there - and once I'm back at 3D MarComms HQ and have polished off a few bits and bobs then we'll be in a position to launchwww.Harbour-ATS.com - probably mid next week TBH. And if you want to be amongst some of the first to know then go there now and leave your email address and we'll ensure you're top of the "people to tell" list.

What a busy summer this is turning out to be - best I make the most of family time at the pleasantly warm beach and get offline while I can :)